Re-Vap™ 3kW Resistive Evaporation Source

Re-Vap resistive evaporation sources are the ideal platform for your thermal evaporation tool. Stable temperatures up to 1,800˚C can be routinely reached with our selection of matched elements. These complete source kits come with everything you need to install into your system. Add a MeiVac matched power supply to complete your coating process.

Re-Vap 3 kW Resistive Evaporation Source Model Number: 0414-7502-0
Part Number Description
0414-7502-0 3 kW (600 Ampere) resistive evaporation source kit. Assembly includes high current feedthroughs, high current Z-Bar set, rigid clamp set and airside power connectors. Z-Bar system allows easy adjustment for all boat and filament types with various element lengths.
Re-Vap 3kW Specifications
Parameter Specification
Flange type Standard 1″ Dia. Bolt Feedthrough
Optional flange type KF or CF
Element clamp Universal clamp for all standard element types: filament, basket, boat, baffle box
Z-Bar Allows full range adjustment for feedthrough location and height



Re-Vap 900 Optional Accessories
Part Number Description Product Details
7007-8300-0 Re-Vap 900W Power Supply View Details

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