Advanced High-Precision Thin Film Sputtering Systems

From our top-of-the-line MCT-8000 Cluster Tool to the batch throughput 2480 RF Diode system, Ferrotec’s MeiVac group has a history of designing and building high-performance thin-film deposition systems for demanding market requirements.

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Precision MCT-8000 Cluster Tool

Developed as a high reliability, high uptime, expandable system platform, Ferrotec’s MeiVac MCT-8000 Cluster Tool was optimized for hard disk drive thin film head applications.

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Precision 602 Single Wafer System

Ferrotec’s MeiVac 602 series sputtering system was developed as a high reliability, high uptime, expandable system platform for the deposition of thin alumina gap layers.

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2480 RF Diode Batch System

Ferrotec’s MeiVac HEDA RF Diode sputtering system family was developed as a high throughput batch deposition system for thick alumina layers utilized in thin film heads for the magnetic storage industry.

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Retrofits & Upgrades

  • 602/2480 GMO (Gas Management Option)
  • Auto Phase Shifter/Monitor
  • 2480 Uniformity Enhancement Retrofit
  • 602 Robot Upgrade (Brooks Platform)
  • 602 Wafer Temperature Sensor
  • 602/2480 Wafer Size Upgrade 5″ to 6″ to 8″
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R&D and Process Improvements

Whether you need a tool for a 24/7 production fab or are still in the development phase, the MeiVac team will work with your researchers and engineers to maximize the process performance of a new or existing tool.

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Custom MeiVac Systems

MeiVac has a history of designing and building tools to meet customers’ unique needs.


Contact MeiVac for pricing and availability

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